
About Me

I fell in love with yoga in my first class over 21 years ago, and never realised then that it was going to be the beginning of such a deep and rewarding journey to inspire and shape my whole life as well as keeping me physically fit.  

I began my initial yoga teacher training 2006-2008, after qualifying in holistic aromatherapy, with Lesley Isaacson, through the British Wheel of Yoga.  I have attended weekly classes with her since and am deeply grateful for her continued formidable yoga wisdom.

Since 2010 I have offered Adaptive Yoga, in the heart of Uxbridge, for students with disabilities and wide-ranging challenges.  This led me to seek out specialist training and led me to Sonia Sumar, the founder of Yoga for the Special Child, with whom I have been blessed to train with every year since 2012. I am super proud to be a part of a global network of Yoga for the Special Child Practitioners.

Over the years of teaching full time I have come to realise that I am deeply passionate about making yoga accessible to everybody, regardless of ability.  The range of classes that I offer ensures that everyone can physically practice yoga, from beginners to experienced practitioners, pregnant students, and students with disabilities.

Annual training courses, continued self-studying and regular home practice, as well as attending weekly classes and learning from my students keep me working on being the best yoga teacher that I can be.  

Everything that we learn about ourselves on the yoga mat are wonderful skills that we can carry with us throughout our lives, making yoga a lifelong practice to deepen and enrich our lives.

By joining yoga classes with me, you can expect a whole colourful tapestry of what comprises yoga mixed with easy to understand philosophy and a sprinkle of humour, whilst I physically challenge you to explore your own potential.

Amanda Mackenzie