Established at the onset of Covid lockdown, to offer my students the chance to practice another evening in the week, this has turned out to be a great class to practice from your own home, and will continue for quite some time, if not to continue indefinitely.
In this hour class you will receive instruction on pranayama practices – breathing techniques – to help you not only breath for greater vitality but to help your focus and concentration and to calm your mind.
There is a Yoga Nidra practice which is an awesome deep yoga rest, a yogic sleep. A deep rest like no other. Resting so deeply you will be able to feel it as a wonderful powerful meditative rest. Guided through this practice, you may fall asleep, you will definitely relax your body and your nervous system, and calm your mind, your whole being bathing in peace.
The later stage of the class is dedicated to meditation practice that you will be guided into and you will have time yourself to apply these techniques. The breathing and relaxation practices before meditation allow you to be ready to train your mind to be present in each moment, using meditation tools to allow you to feel less stressed, calm and more loving to yourself and others.
No experience is required and you can sit in a chair rather than the floor. So many people think that they can’t meditate but with a few simple tips and guides you will be able to surprise yourself by finding a meditative mental calmness.