Stronger Practice

Yoga Journey


Stronger Practice

Expect to find yoga poses sequenced together, flowing from one pose to another, building up heat to prepare you to explore more challenging poses, such as deeper backbends, inversions like headstand, handstands and shoulder-stands and arm balances.   Sometimes the class can feel like a yoga workshop as students explore various ways, with and without equipment or support of others, to access postures. I often refer to this time as ‘playtime’ as I think it’s wonderful to approach some of the challenging poses with an inquisitive mind and youthful attitude.

I definitely like to enthuse students to work to their fullest potential, with encouragement, joy and a sense of humour.  I do not call this ‘advanced’ yoga as to me advanced yoga is about the integration of mind, body and breath and can be applied in the simplest of postures

Work hard, then rest harder.

You can also expect some Sanskrit chanting, breathing practices including more advanced techniques and meditation. Philosophical themes are weaved throughout the classes to help you deepen your knowledge of yoga, and awareness of yourself, themes often continuing over many weeks/months at a time.

Yoga Classes